» Ben and Molly | Wedding Photography

Colville Wedding Photography {Andy+Teresa}

Andy and Teresa had met each other over 10 years ago while hanging out with mutual friends, but it wasn’t until Teresa  started working  at Andy’s family hotel that they owned did they start to notice each other. The funny thing was that Teresa didn’t know that was Andy’s  hotel.  It was a “What in the word are you doing here?!” moment- but in a good way. They were friends for over a year before they started dating.  They both love the country and their little town of Colville, so it was only fitting that they wedding be held in the great outdoors. The rain didn’t dampen the mood as they  rode away  for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Hydorn in a horse drawn carriage- a must have for Teresa. Andy, on the other hand recently bought a 1968 Le Mans; so they did both! A carriage ride and convertible, you can’t go wrong with that!  Our favorite moment of the day was the bouquet toss. The bride tossed the bouquet as usual, but when the ladies jumped for the bouquet 2 ladies grabbed it at the same moment and wouldn’t let go! It was a fight to the death that ended up with them rolling on the floor tearing it to pieces! It was great and everyone came out laughing. Definitely a moment that will always be remembered!  Congratulations Andy and Teresa!

We LOVE the outdoors just as much as Teresa and Andy. It was wonderful to photograph a wedding in the woods. It was hard to stop shooting!

Teresa’s son and daughter walked down the aisle together.

For more pictures from this wedding please click  on the button below. Thanks!

The first look is always the best!

Father and son’s shoes.