» Ben and Molly | Wedding Photography

A McChord Airforce Wedding | Tacoma Wedding Photography

Blake and Savannah were married at McChord AFB on August 6th, 2011. The Air Force Base was a natural choice for Savannah as her dad and many other family and friends had been in the Air Force. Savannah loves the vintage look and found the perfect dress to fit her style. We adored her birdcage vial! These two families cared deeply for each other. It was so sweet to see all the girls fuss over Savannah. One family member put on one earring. Another got to put on the other earring. Then the bracelet that was given to her by her Grandmother. The bridesmaids surprised Savannah with a custom garter they had made which carried one of Blake’s fishing lures. It was a unique experience for us civilians to witness to be a part of a military wedding! Right in the middle of the ceremony Tapps started playing unexpectedly. This meant that everyone had to stand up in the direction of the flag and watch it be raised. Everyone laughed and it was definitely something that all will remember!