I picked up an old Kodak camera last week at one of our local antique shops. I was inspired to do a retro photo shoot after seeing (and buying) some vintage clothes at another second hand store. I was excited because it’s not the typical old school camera that most collect, but it was the point and shoot that every person could own. The crazy thing is there is no way to control the exposure. Literally a flash and a button to take the picture. No aperture, no shutter speed to control. Hahaha. I don’t know how people got any sort of consistency with these cameras. This last summer we found a steal on Craigslist of an entire garage of photo gear that a grandma was getting rid of. Jesus gave us a great gift by getting to that lady first! We paid a fraction for what it was all worth. The catch was we had to take all of it if we wanted any of it. So we hauled all of it away. There was a lot of nice stuff in the pile. Multiple cameras, backdrops, and even film. Film that just so happens to be the exact kind we needed for this old camera. I didn’t realize this, of course, but Ben did. He loaded up the film today and we are planning to go crazy with it while on our road trip to Colorado this week. We have more than one roll of film, so this will be fun!
Just for your viewing pleasure we have the owners manual. Our camera didn’t come with a flash, but the rest is the same. It’s really small, but if you click on it, it will get bigger so you can see it.