Our next Photography 101 Class is coming up soon! Jan 28th at High Mountain Hunting Supply! Please click here for more info.
Category Archives: Workshops
Digital SLRs are getting cheaper and easier to use than ever before. Some photographers grumble at the “everyone is a photographer” wave but instead of us fighting that, we want to be the ones to help and make education affordable and accessible for the person who enjoys photography and wants a jump start into knowing […]
Nickles Photography: Photo 101 ClassWe are teaching a photography workshop on April 23rd in Ephrata from 9am – 5pm. You can choose to attend part or all of the class, depending on your needs. We will be teaching the Photography 101 Workshop in the morning, going out to shoot in the afternoon, then come back […]
April 23rd, 2011 9am-5pm in Ephrata. Space is limited to 12 people! We got such a great response from the first photography class we taught we are doing it again and we adding to it! The class will be broken up into 3 parts 9-Noon: Photography 101 Class – half creative and half technical*read below […]
Here’s another facet to photography that we go over in our Photography 101 workshops. If you would like more information about the workshop please click here. One of the first things a photography student will learn about composing a picture is rule of thirds. It is such an important part of composition that camera companies […]