» Ben and Molly | Wedding Photography

Wenatchee Wedding Photography {Matt+Heather}

Matt and Heather were married at their home church in Wenatchee, Washington at the Free Methodist Church on September 25, 2010. This country had a bit of country twang to it. A little country music, some cowboy boots, wheat and you have a country wedding! Of course, Ben was happy about this! He pulled out his White’s and was rearin’ ta go. We started off the day at Heather’s house where all the ladies got ready. Hours later the men met at the church to put their tuxes on and play some table football and hangman while the ladies finished getting ready. The church leases an apple orchard, so we walked across the parking lot to take some photos there. It’s apple picking time here in Wenatchee, which means there are a lot of apples on the ground. The children in the wedding where the kids of some of the bridesmaids, so they were all out having a good time, tying to find yummy apples to eat. The ceremony was very touching and sweet. Although I am not a crier, it was hard to not get a little teary-eyed while Matt and Heather said vows that they had written themselves. The reception was held at The Conservatory, in Cashmere. A fun highlight of the night was when the young ladies from Heather’s small group performed a dance with her. It was so cute and funny! Also, a couple of the bridesmaids went out to tag the get-away car, a tan Honda. Well, there was another tan Honda right next to it and they started to tag the wrong car! Turns out it was the groom’s parent’s car. Pretty hilarious! Congrats Matt and Heather! All the best to you two!

It was so sweet. The bride wanted to pull herself together, so we all stood there for 3-4 minutes. Talk about suspense!

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A good friend of the bride did a fantastic job on her make-up!