Our job allows us an amazing opportunity. We get to meet up to 350 new people every week in the summer time and hundreds of others throughout the year. Weddings, chamber of commerce meetings, bridal shows, vendor networking… the list goes on. There is always someone new we get to meet. The thing is, it’s hard to actually get to know them! Obviously it’s impossible to befriend thousands of people in a year, and not really necessary. But there are a least a good chunk of people, especially our brides and grooms, that we want to get to know. It is hard because we live in a small town, hours from everyone. So I thought I might bring our home to you! Over the next couple months I hope to get a little personal with you all so you can get to know us a little better!
Here is our home. Ben owned this house when we first began dating, which was a good thing because I honestly didn’t even own a pillow when we met! We have lived here since getting married 6.5 years ago. The roses where there, but I planted lavender, lilac, and blueberries 3 years ago. I really love to garden when I can, although I know absolutely nothing about it! I learned how to prune and which flowers are the hardest to kill and there you go! Of course there is a rose bush in the middle that decided to ruin my picture. But what can ya do?! I love the different smells we get in the different months. The lilacs were last month, roses are beautifully fragrant right now, and come July the lavender will be fresh for picking. We have raspberries on the side of the house and hope to plant some watermelon and other berries soon. I wish I could say that I keep up our yard all by myself, but that isn’t the case. I have two amazing teenagers come help me once every 6 weeks to do a big clean sweep of the place. I am out there working with them, but what the 3 of us do in 2 hours, would take me 8. Some photographers outsource the editing. I outsource the weed pulling 🙂
Next time we will show you Ben’s favorite spot in the house: the living room with a 7 foot projector screen to play Call of Duty and Halo on.