Craig and Megan are one fun, crazy couple! We laughed all day long. They met many years ago at Camp Gilead. Craig has always been a fun-loving joker and Megan a lighthearted woman. They both love baseball and were engaged on the infield of Safeco Field. We headed down to Redondo Beach for photos by the water. Thankfully the tide was out so we were able to walk down under the pier. The bridesmaids had a little difficulty getting out onto the beach with their heels on, but it was well worth the walk. The reception was held at the Tacoma Union Station. It was a full circle moment for me because our senior high school banquet was held there. Way back then I remember thinking how cool it would be to shoot a wedding here… and now we have! We had a blast driving from the ceremony to the reception, thanks to Megan’s grandpa’s white convertible! As we drove, people offered their congrats with honking horns and cheerful waves all while we held on for dear life as Craig’s brother decided today would be the day he would become a Baja racer! We made it, without Megan loosing her veil. There was great food and lots of dancing. There were live goldfish on the table as part of the decor, with each table having a lucky winner to take a fish home at the end of the night! The couple left to people throwing goldfish crackers at them, which was only fitting. Very unique! Happy marriage to Craig and Megan!
For more images and slideshow from this wedding please click on the “Read More” link below. Thank you!
How many bridesmaids does it take to get one bride dressed? A lot! Wedding dresses are the hardest things to get on!