Oh my goodness! It’s been months since I’ve blogged. The Winter for us is like Summers for most. It’s our time to relax a little, vacation, and recoup from the crazy summer months of wedding season! Last night Ben and I got away and went to The Hobbit Inn, on the outskirts of Chelan. We have already begun our wedding season, but we wanted to get away and do absolutely nothing for a day. The Hobbit Inn is exactly what it sounds like, a small little AirBnB fashioned after The Lord of the Rings movie. It’s 20 minutes outside of Chelan in the middle of nowhere, 5 miles up a dirt road. There’s no internet, no t.v., and no cell reception inside the room. This place is off grid. So no microwave or hair dryers. But there is a very cozy propane fire place that was perfect! We brought some cards to play games, whittled the wood blocks that were provided, and sat outside in the quiet. Ok, maybe we did also bring our laptop with a super romantic movie to watch- 13 Hours. Yeah, we love action movies!
This place is very small, but perfect for any couple looking for time to reconnect. We brought our own food, as the nearest food is 20 minutes away (for those that know the area, it’s up McNeil Canyon). It is evident that the owner of this place gave a lot of time and effort to make sure every detail of this inn was LOTR worthy. We made our own coffee in the morning and sat on the front porch, thankful for the warm sun and silent hills. If you ever want a unique getaway, you should check this place out!
There’s a slight hike to get to the inn. You park down below and walk along a trail. Backpacks are best for this, instead of normal luggage. I brought a normal luggage bag and it was ok.
Sitting on the bed, this is the view!